Mid'town Museum of Native Cultures is dedicated to the original caretakers of this nation with the main stress on educating
our existing and future generations.
Midtown's Favorite Girl |

Joesphine |
One of the many outfits on display at Mid'town. Joesphine "Josie" is
our Mascot, come see the other great items and artifacts at Mid'town Museum
Drums, Pipes, Flutes, some of the many things on display at Mid'Town
Mid'Town houses the private collection of Native American Items used by Joyce
- Dioramas
- Dolls
- Clothing
- Stone tools
- Hands-On items
What tribe name means "Roast till you pucker"???
What does a depth gauge for planting look like ???
What tribe lived in log cabins long before white settlers???
Breastplate and other American Indian Clothing

Located 40 miles south of the "Battle of Tippecanoe". Take 25 South to Waynetown & in the middle of the downtown
business district, and only three blocks west of the old Pioneer Cemetery where William Bratton, a member of the Lewis
and Clark Expedition, is buried.
Although there's not alot to see in Waynetown, it's well worth the trip to see the Museum.
FEE: Adults $2.00 Children $1.00 Seniors $1.50
Group Tours Call for price
102 East Washington Street (Corner of Washington & Vine)
Located on Hwy 136 in Waynetown Indiana